The Power Of The Best Aerobic Exercises

The power of the best aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercises relate to physical activities that are taken to improve your cardiovascular fitness and your health.  These types of exercises are designed to increase the flow of oxygen to the body and improve the function of the heart, the lungs, and the entire circulatory system. They are the types of moderate-intensity physical activities. Cardiovascular exercises can help you get into shape, and also keep you healthy.
Some types of aerobic exercises can be performed indoors or outdoors. There are many health benefits of developing an aerobic exercise program. The best aerobic exercises include jump rope, rowing, hiking, running, walking, swimming, cycling, and elliptical.

Types Of Aerobic Exercises

When you are looking to get into shape, there are many types of aerobic exercises that you can participate in. At the beginning of an aerobic exercise program, you can start slow and increase the intensity over time.

1. Jump Rope

best cardio exercisesThis exercise is great for the heart. All that is needed is a jump rope and some space. Jumping rope is simple to do. In addition to cardiovascular health, jumping rope will help improve coordination and agility. To get the most benefit from this aerobic workout you can jump rope for 15 to 25 minutes at least three times a week. This is a great indoor or outdoor cardio activity. It is a very simple exercise to do.
To begin the aerobic exercise with the jump rope run forward while jumping at a fast pace for 15 seconds. Reverse the directions and go backward for another 15 seconds. You can rest for around 15 seconds between sets. This process should be repeated 18 times. Once you adjust to this exercise and have gotten used to the process you can extend the time up to 30 seconds. Once you have reached the advanced level you can extend the time to one minute.

2. Rowing

This is a wonderful way to get outdoors and begin an exercise program. Rowing will work out so many different muscles in the body. When you are rowing you are developing upper body strength and lean muscle mass. There are rowing machines that can be done indoors and you can join a club where you can get on the water and row. Even the leg muscles will be used during this workout.

3. Hiking

Hiking is an exceptional way to enjoy the outdoors when getting into shape. You will need to give your legs a good workout when you are walking up different trails and paths. There are hiking trails for people of every skill level. When you begin to hike you should work on some of the flatter trails. As you develop the muscles you can go exploring on all different terrains. This will allow you to get a good workout and you can enjoy some time outdoors.

4. Running

No special equipment is needed to complete this exercise. It can be done indoors in a place or you can go outdoors and enjoy some fresh air. You can decide if you want to run or walk. Either is a great form of aerobic exercise. This exercise can help improve the health of the heart, burn fat, and even improve food. It is important to get some good shoes and if running outdoors find a safe area. You should go for a run several times a week. When starting a running program you should run a half-hour two times a week. You can go 5 minutes of running and a minute of walking. As the body adjusts you can increase your run to 30 minutes. After running take the time to stretch and cool down.

5. Swimming

benefits of aerobic exerciseThis is one of the best aerobic exercises for the body. It will work out many muscle groups at the same time. Swimming is also low impact, so it is good for people with limited mobility or some stiffness. Swimming is also ideal for anyone that is looking to have some fun while they are exercising. You can swim in an outdoor pool or you can cool to go to an inside pool. Swimming as a form of exercise can be performed for 10 to 30 minutes, two to five times a week. Some aerobic exercise classes are offered at pools where you will work out while in the water. There are also different swimming strokes that you can alternate between. This will help keep things fun and interesting when swimming. Switching upstrokes will allow work out other parts of the body.

6. Walking

This may seem like an easy exercise but it is still one of the best things for the body. If you take the time to go for a daily walk you can reduce the risk of certain health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Walking can even reduce the chance you have of becoming depressed. When going for a walk you should walk in an area that is well lit and somewhere you are familiar with. If you want to go walking indoors you can use a treadmill. If you are going to walk as the main form of your aerobic exercise you should walk at a brisk pace for at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days of the week. If you are beginning to walk for exercise you should walk briskly for 10 minutes then at a slower pace. You should then resume the brisk pace. You may also want to use fitness tracking to help you reach a daily step goal.

7. Cycling

best cardio exercisesThis is a low-impact aerobic exercise that will help strengthen the muscle in the leg. It will also allow you to burn calories as they peddle on the bicycle. You can cycle outdoor or indoor. If you use the stationary bicycle for between 35 and 45 minutes a day, this can be done three times a week. These are easy to use and will allow you to get into shape without a high-intensity workout.

8. Elliptical

This machine is a good workout and it will not place a lot of stress on the needs or the back. This machine can be used for 20 to 30 minutes per session and it can be done three times a week. You should start slowly until you warm up. You can then increase the pace as the body adjusts to the machine and the motions.


Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise Program

There are many benefits of an aerobic exercise program. You can get into the best shape and you can get healthy and happy. These are some of the top benefits of developing an aerobic exercise program.

  •  Keep in shape

Aerobic exercise will help you lose weight and get into shape. You will keep the weight off if you continue to perform these exercises. A healthy weight can reduce the chance of developing diseases and will improve self-esteem.

  • Improve strength and stamina

As you continue with this exercise program you will notice you are not getting tired as easily. People that do aerobic exercises also report a reduced feeling of fatigue.

  •  Reduce health risks

Regular aerobic exercises will reduce the chance of becoming obese and developing conditions such as heart disease. It can also reduce the chance of having a heart attack or stroke.

  • Reduce chronic health issues

Aerobic exercise can help you reduce the risks of developing conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes have noticed an improvement in their condition and more stable blood sugar levels.

  • Strengthen the heart

Since aerobic exercises will work out the heart, the health of the heart will be improved. The heart will be stronger and will not need to be as quick. The heart will also be able to pump blood more efficiently throughout the body and improve blood flow.

  • Help with arteries health

This type of exercise will help you improve levels of HDL or the good cholesterol in the body. It will also lower the amount of LDL or the bad cholesterol found in the body. This can mean less plaque around the arteries allows a person to live longer and enjoy better health.

  •  Improve mood

Aerobic exercise has been shown to decrease feelings of depression. It can also reduce anxiety levels and will help the body relax. Some say that this exercise can also improve sleep quality.

  •  Helpful for elders

Elder people that engage in aerobic exercises have stronger bones and muscles. This allows them to stay independent longer. Since the bones will be stronger the risk for falls decreases. This exercise has also been shown to help improve mental focus.

  • Live Longer

Studies have been conducted on people that engage in an aerobic exercise program. It has been found that people who do aerobic exercise live longer than those that do not exercise. This is due to the decreased risk for developing health conditions and conditions such as cancer.

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