Important Types Of Stretching Exercises

different types of stretching exercises

Physical activity is essential if you want to improve your health. Part of living a healthier and more fulfilling life is increasing your physical activity. But when it comes to working out, we often think of intense exercises like running and weightlifting. However, while they are beneficial, we should also recognize the importance of stretching.

A lot of people often stretch when they want to cool down or warm-up for an exercise. Nevertheless, some people do not know the important types of stretching and their purposes in our bodies. Understanding these can help you identify the suitable flexibility technique for you and when to use it. We will talk about the important types of stretching, examples of stretching exercises, benefits of stretching, and risk of stretching.

What Is Stretching?

Stretching is simply a physical exercise that involves stretching or flexing a specific muscle or group of muscles to improve its tone and elasticity. Stretching leaves you feeling more flexible and helps you achieve muscle control.

It can also be used as a therapy to relieve cramps and improve a person’s ability to perform daily functions. All humans and some animals naturally stretch, for instance, after waking up or after being in a confined area for long. However, some people, deliberately include stretching as part of their physical fitness. The suitable stretching technique often depends on the muscle group that is being stretched.

Types Of Stretching

types of stretching

There are five important types of stretching that you can find in the following section of this article.

1. Static Stretching

This involves stretching a muscle or a group of muscles to the farthest point, then maintaining the position for some time, usually upwards of 10 seconds. It is also called isometric stretching. With this type, you will stretch the muscle until you feel a gentle pull.

Note that static stretches should be pain-free. If there is pain, your muscle will naturally tighten as a protective measure. This stretching makes one flexible by reducing muscle tension and preventing the buildup of lactic acid. It is designed to relieve muscle tension so that it is best to perform it at the end of your workout.

2. Dynamic Stretching

It involves moving your body parts and increasing the speed of the movement, and reach gradually. It is mostly used for warming up before sports. It involves stretching your muscles while moving by doing leg swings or sports-specific drills. Experts recommend doing this type in sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Dynamic stretching helps lengthen your tissues while promoting the stability of your joints. As such, it helps you move properly and prevents pain even as you do your daily activities and exercises. Do this stretch as a warm-up before working out to increase the blood flow and prepare your muscles and joints.

3. Ballistic Stretching

Here, you stretch your muscle up to where you are comfortable doing so. Then, you use the stretched muscles as spring to bounce back into the stretched position, for example, the repeated action of bouncing down to touch your toes.

However, experts do not recommend ballistic stretching as it can cause an injury. Plus, it does not exactly allow your muscles to relax or adjust to the stretched position. Rather, it makes them tighter since you repeatedly activate the stretch flex. But, it is still used by ballet dancers and martial artists. It can also be used in rehabilitation to increase the range of your joint movement.

4. Neural Stretching

It is where individuals stretch the nervous system structures. It is mostly used when there are injuries that cause excess nervous tension. For example, doctors may recommend it when there is muscle pain related to sciatic.

It can also involve stretching the neck or shoulders areas. However, these stretches should only be done in the presence of a qualified therapist.

5. PNF Stretching

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is a less intense stretching exercise that involves gentle contraction of the stretched muscles for a short time.

PNF helps improve flexibility, strengthens the muscles, and supports a range of motion. It is mostly used in injury rehabilitation. It can also help promote posture and remove muscle aches. You should perform it after a workout.

Examples Of Stretching Exercises

examples of stretching exercises

Stretching is often overlooked. However, it is an important exercise that should be practiced regularly. But whenever you choose types of stretching, please listen to your body. At first, you may not feel flexible, but it gets better with time. Let us look at some of the stretching exercises you can do indoors or outdoors. It is important to find the exercise that you love performing.

1. Cobra Stretch

While lying on your stomach, put your hands flat below your shoulders. Then bring your elbows in via the sides and raise your head and chest gently. Do not lift your hips and groin above the flow. If it is easy, you can make it intense by lifting your stomach from the surface. However, keep your neck and shoulders relaxed. Hold this position for 15-20 seconds and gently lower your back down.

2. Cat-Cow Stretch

This helps warm up your spine while making your back, neck, and shoulders more flexible. Get down on your knee and hands, then slowly arch your back. Drop your tummy on the floor and lift your head. Maintain this position for some seconds then rotate your back like a cat slowly. Do this at least ten times.

3. Hamstring Stretch

Do this stretch before you head out for a run or start cycling. However, if you are working out your calves in the gym, it should be done at the end of your workout.

Begin in a completely straight position, putting your arms to your side. Slowly bend until you achieve a u-shape, reach and grab your ankle’s back. Maintain this position for two or three minutes.

4. Calf Stretch

Face the wall and position yourself an arm’s length far from it. Bring one foot forward and bend your knee. Place the other foot back while keeping your knee straight. Your feet should all point forward. Brace yourself with your arms against the wall. Make sure your belly is firm, then start leaning until you feel your calf muscles at the back of your legs stretched. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

5. Knee-To-Chest

It is a post-workout stretch that improves flexibility on your knees and back. Lie flat on the ground with your stomach facing upward. Bring your right knee to the chest, hold it with your hands or arms, and maintain that position for 30 seconds. You should feel a gentle stretch on your back. Repeat this with your left knee. If it is too comfortable, you can try bending both knees together.

6. Glute Bridge

Glute Bridge helps you stretch your hip flexors. Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Keep your feet on the ground, ensuring they are hip-width apart. Tighten your stomach muscles gently to make your back flatter and prevent overstretching. Then make your bottom muscles tight as you push your hips up. Stay in this position for a while. Repeat three times.

7. Spinal Twist

Lie on your back and raise your right knee. Bring it over to the left side gently. Ensure that your shoulder remains on the floor at all times. Hold the position for thirty seconds and repeat with the left knee. If it feels too easy, stretch either of your arms outside but in line with the shoulder, then turn your head in the direction of your stretched arm. You should feel a gentle stretch on your lower back and upper body.

8. Ribbit

Ribbit helps improve posture and eliminates lower back pain. Get on your knees and hand’s palms. Place your knees at an angle of 45° outwards. With your feet resting on their respective sides, start lowering your hips towards them. Switch to your forearms if possible. Hold this position for 60 seconds or two minutes if you can.

Benefits Of Stretching

benefits of stretching

There are several benefits of stretching exercises:

  • It can improve posture

Tight muscles are among the causes of poor posture. Stretching the hamstrings, upper trapezius, and other muscles can give one an improved posture.

  • Increase a range of motion

Our joints tend to lose motion as we get older. Stretching thus helps with this, even in joints that have a limited range of motion.

  • Prevent an injury

When done before exercising, it promotes blood flow to the muscles, thus warming them up and reducing their tightness, which prevents a tear or strain.

  • Reduce back pain

A poor posture causes back pain. But since some types of stretching exercises improve posture, it helps to relieve back pain.

Risk Of Stretching

Although various types of stretching exercises benefit your health, they can cause some damages, especially when done incorrectly. Some of the risks associated with stretching include:

  • Can cause hypermobility

  • Can worsen an existing injury

  • Overstretching can cause muscle damage

Also, note that stretching should not hurt. If you feel a sharp or shooting pain, please stop immediately. And those with an injury should also speak to a doctor or psychotherapist first to recommend suitable types of stretching exercises.

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