10 Tips To Find Motivation To Exercise

10 tips to find motivation to exercise

Regular exercise is essential to have a better quality of life. However, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, countless chores, and responsibilities, it is not always easy to find the motivation to exercise.

Nevertheless, even with so many tribulations of daily life, it is possible to exercise through the adoption of some simple habits. It is worth mentioning that besides the health benefits, starting a physical activity increases the feeling of happiness, well-being, and comfort. Attending the indoor or outdoor exercise spaces provide several benefits, as it encompasses both well-being and our health. So, to develop healthy habits, it takes effort and dedication, setting aside a time of the day to include exercising in your fitness routine.

How To Be Motivated To Exercise

The adaptation process, when starting or resuming exercising is not an easy task. It requires an adjustment of routine activities. An overload of functions can start to become a great barrier for those who study or work. On the other hand, it is extremely natural that during these moments, a feeling of discouragement arises. Some factors such as work, family life, social life, fatigue, and lack of time make many people take long breaks in exercise or leave the exercise space altogether.

If you are just starting to exercise, you should not give up. But how do you find the motivation for an exercise routine? Check out the following 10 tips to find the motivation to exercise.

1. Set Goals For Your Case

set exercise goals

Creating a healthy habit is not always easy, but it is not impossible. The practice of physical exercises should occur naturally and spontaneously, fitting into your routine. However, one of the main steps before starting a physical activity is to set goals. Besides, it is important to know your limits well.

Depending on your progress, you can make adjustments and increase the level of your goals. This will become an incentive, since you will see all your goals with realism, and better yet, you will be able to evolve more and more. Note that setting unrealistic goals creates anxiety for not achieving them. If they are not achieved, continuing to attend the indoor or outdoor exercise space can become frustrating. Therefore, exercising should gradually increase its level of difficulty.

2. Find Inspiration

At the gym, you will have instructors who will guide you during classes and who will teach you the correct practice of the exercises. You can create rapport with the trainer who serves as an inspiration and gives you real motivation to exercise.

In addition to using your instructor as a source of inspiration, why not seek inspiration from people who have achieved the goal you aspire to? This will make you mirror them and visualize in a more real way how it is possible to reach a goal when you have determination and discipline.

It is worth following fitness personalities on social networks, getting to know stories of people who have managed to stay fit exercising, or even start admiring and following the healthy lifestyle of your idols. You may try it and feel inspired by those who can prove it is possible.

3. Look For A Good Company

Combining going to work out with a friend, a family member, or even your pet dog is a great option to ensure you get out of bed. Therefore, this practice makes exercising more profitable, and, also, having someone to give that push is essential to motivate the beginning of the practice or help in maintaining the habit. Establishing a discipline is, without a doubt, the most difficult part for anyone who takes on a physical exercise routine. Thus, sharing this activity with a person close to you can be very pleasurable.

When you know that someone is waiting, there is hardly a reason to be absent. And if one day he is unable to work out with you, invite other friends or go alone, because the important thing is not to lose motivation.

4. Find The Best Time

A stressful day at work, a bad night’s sleep or muscle pain, etc., there are countless excuses for not exercising. Some people choose to work out in the morning as they become more productive throughout the day.

However, some find it more comfortable to exercise in the afternoon or the evening. This is because each individual has his biological clock. That is a mechanism of the body responsible for regulating all the activities.

For people who have difficulty waking up early, one option is to exercise at the end of the day. The body is already better prepared, and without compromises for the rest of the night, it is possible to exercise with greater tranquility. On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that exercising too late at night can impair your sleep.

5. Record Your Achievement And Compare Your Evolution

How about recording all your evolution in photos? Or, write down the daily achievements that are made? These are surefire ways to prove to yourself how capable you are and how exercise is helping you to make progress towards your goals.

You may take a full-body picture of yourself once a month and go comparing. Try old clothes and see the differences, write down when you lose a kilo, when the number of sit-ups exceeds the amount you did before, or even give notes for your performance after each workout. These habits will help you to see the benefits of fitness and exercise and how the effort is paying off. It will give you the motivation to exercise and continue attending the gym or outdoor space.

6. Vary The Frequency Of Training

The frequency of training is one of the big issues when it comes to practicing physical exercises. In the search for a perfect body, many individuals determine that for this to happen, it is necessary to go to the gym every day of the week. However, the routine must be adapted to tasks such as housework, work, and care for children, among others that can impair this frequency.

Regardless of the training objective, this overload can generate feelings of frustration and change your level of motivation. One strategy for maintaining it is to vary the frequency of training a week. So, instead of going to the gym five times a week, it is preferable to show up three or two times. That way, if you are unable to complete the workout that day, you make up for it on another day.

7. Have Fun


You could do a 25-minute jumping jacks session several times a week to stay in shape, but is this fun? For most, no. The best exercise is the one practiced in a pleasant and fun environment. Therefore, do not hesitate to use step machines or stationary bicycles to perform your exercises.

Do not fall into the routine of always doing the same exercises because you will end up getting bored. There is a large repertoire of exercises for each muscle group. So if you hate a type of exercise or machine and want to get rid of excuses and find time to exercise, you can surely find a more pleasant alternative.

As much as going to the gym should be seen as a commitment, it does not prevent you from having fun while you are exercising. Your mind will associate the gym with something recreational and enjoyable, and it will be much easier to continue.

8. Listen To Your Favorite Music When Training

Have you ever met someone who does not like music? Not. So, most likely, you have that inspirational playlist that is capable of giving you a boost even when nothing seems to work. You can take your mobile phone and separate the songs you like and enjoy the news of your favorite musical style. If you listen to what you like while training, the brain will respond positively to the exercises and will view them as pleasurable, making going to the gym something cool to do.

9. Keep A Positive Thought

You should always think positive when you are in the gym, especially at the end of the session. Congratulate yourself on finishing your exercise and take pride in reaching your set goals. Positive reinforcement is a powerful self-motivation technique.

If you have negative thoughts at the end of your workout like “I am glad I finished this ordeal,” you will not last long in the gym. The motivational phrases help a lot to keep working and try to achieve the objectives and goals proposed.

10. Look Great

When it comes to training, any incentive is always welcome. For many people, it may seem silly, but when discouragement appears, a strategy is to look good in the visual. Gym clothes are very comfortable and fun. That way, you will feel more willing, beautiful and have more courage to work out.

Besides, another tip is to use a few minutes from the previous night to separate clothing and gym accessories for the next day. This will avoid excuses for not going.

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